About Content Types

A "content type" in Drupal refers to a collection of related data or fields that are grouped together. For example, all the fields that are a part of a story—the title, the date, the body copy, the byline, and so on—are brought together in a single content type that styles and displays the story information on your site.

The University Relations web team created the following content types for some of the web content most frequently used. 

If your site has not used a content type yet, you will need to submit a project request to have the content type added to your website.

Biography Content Type

  • Used for non-faculty entities, students, staff, and raptor listings
  • Optional fields include job title and unit name, secondary job title and unit name, degree(s) earned, summary, expertise, awards & recognition, research, publications, and teaching information.
  • Three biography displays are available:

Event Content Type

  • Used for basic information about and promotion of events
  • Event title can be aligned left or centered
  • Registration link and sponsor fields will only only display if they have a value
  • Two event displays are available:

Magazine Content Type

News/Blog Content Type