
About this page

People are sorted first by Category order (Program Leaders always on top), then by 'Sticky on Top' (so a specific person can be placed on top of all the other people in each category). Then people are sorted by last name.

Program Leaders

Michael Mahero

Michael Mahero, DVM, MPH

Director, Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine Residency
Mary Katherine O'Brien

Mary Katherine O'Brien, PhD

Researcher for Education & Outreach, Center for Animal Health and Food Safety (CAHFS)
Andres Perez

Andres Perez, DVM, PhD

Professor, Department of Veterinary Population Medicine (VPM); Endowed Chair of Global Animal Health and Food Safety; Director, Center for Animal Health and Food Safety (CAHFS)
Maria Sol Perez

Maria Sol Perez, DVM, PhD

Research Development Manager


Ehud (Udi) Elnekave

Ehud (Udi) Elnekave, DVM, PhD

Post-doctoral fellow